Sunday, August 1, 2010

Farmville Farming up to 375 plots using only machines and not paying for fuel

Before you begin:

- Create 15 fields of 24 plots (6 by 4) or 25 plots (5 by 5) each. I prefer 6 by 4 because it's easier to work with the machines, but 5 by 5 also works. Label your fields with the letters A through O. You can use signs to mark them, or sketch out your farm on paper and mark them that way.

- Find three times a day to log in and play. Doesn't matter what times, as long as they are at least 6.5 hours apart (to give the fuel time to recharge). For example, I log in at 7am before work, 1 or 2pm when I get home, and again in the evening around 8 or 9. For the sake of explaining, these three times will be called morning, midday, and evening.

- Find out your most profitable crops. There are other threads about this; you should find your most profitable 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-day crops. Or, if you're not in it for profit, use whichever you like best!

Once you're set up, each time you log in there should be two fields where the crops are finished and ready to harvest (except during the first few days when you're getting started). Harvest those two fields and plant a new crop.

Day One

morning - harvest field A and plant a four-day crop; harvest field B and plant a three-day crop

midday - harvest field C and plant a four-day crop; harvest field D and plant a three-day crop

evening - harvest field E and plant a four-day crop; harvest field F and plant a three-day crop

Day Two

morning - harvest field J and plant a three-day crop; harvest field M and plant a one-day crop

midday - harvest field K and plant a three-day crop; harvest field N and plant a one-day crop

evening - harvest field L and plant a three-day crop; harvest field O and plant a one-day crop

Day Three

morning - harvest field G and plant a one-day crop; harvest field M and plant a four-day crop

midday - harvest field H and plant a one-day crop; harvest field N and plant a four-day crop

evening - harvest field I and plant a one-day crop; harvest field O and plant a four-day crop

Day Four

morning - harvest field B and plant a two-day crop; harvest field G and plant a four-day crop

midday - harvest field D and plant a two-day crop; harvest field H and plant a four-day crop

evening - harvest field F and plant a two-day crop; harvest field I and plant a four-day crop

Day Five

morning - harvest field A and plant a one-day crop; harvest field J and plant a two-day crop

midday - harvest field C and plant a one-day crop; harvest field K and plant a two-day crop
evening - harvest field E and plant a one-day crop; harvest field L and plant a two-day crop

And then start again with Day One and repeat... endlessly
Once you've got the cycle started, it's easy to remember without a chart: 2-day and 3-day crops alternate with each other on the same fields, and 1-day and 4-day crops alternate on the same fields.

So if you see a 2-day crop ready to harvest, you know to harvest it and plant a 3-day.

If you see a 3-day crop ready to harvest, you know to harvest it and plant a 2-day.

If you see a 4-day crop ready to harvest, you know to harvest it and plant a 1-day.

If you see a 1-day crop ready to harvest, you know to harvest it and plant a 4-day.


- I like using only the machines (I know 6 clicks versus 24 clicks doesn't really take that much less time, but it's the principle...)

- It's very quick - my morning and midday logins are usually 2-3 minutes each (in the evening I have time to poke around, harvest animals and trees, etc.)

- It's easy to remember what to plant (hopefully, if I've explained it well enough )


- I haven't figured out a good way to work shorter crops into the rotation yet, although I do sometimes use 12, 16, and 18 hour crops as a one-day crop (they just sit waiting at 100% until it's their turn). I do also have some extra fields that I hand-plant for shorter crops on weekends and long evenings.

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