These fees are unquestionably managed because you are selling your crops for more than your investment in planting them. There are a lot of other things you can buy in the FarmVille marketplace to deck out your property, and some of these upgrades are inaccessible without a large amount of cash.
Getting these upgrades will also get you some necessary experience points to boost your progress and help you can move on to the next stage. You have to develop a method to produce considerable amounts of money for all the special items you want to buy.
Techniques For Money Making In Farmville
With Farmville you need coins for almost everything, so you have to beef up the earning potential of your land. The best way to do this is to discover which crops make you the greatest amount of coins per hour.
Let me give you an example.
Selling strawberries earns you 35 coins per plot of property harvested and they need 4 hours to mature.
Even though pumpkins earns you 68 coins per plot of property harvested, Pumpkins take 8 hours to grow and mature.
So think about it, for the same plot of land harvested, you'll earn 8.75 coins per hour by planting strawberries, while the pumpkins will only earn you 8.5 coins per hour. I know this may seem like it's not a huge deal, but these tiny amounts will snowball quickly in Farmville. Remember to harvest your plants as soon as they're ready and replant on that spot right away or you will not be receiving your earnings potential.
Always Go For A Fast Turnaround
With Farmville you have to effectively use your time both on the game and away from it.
Big Tip:
Anytime you know you're not going to be capable of managing your land for 8 hours it would be beneficial to plant pumpkins. You make less money the longer you wait to sell it after the crop is ready to harvest.
You only earn money from crops that grow quickly when you are able to sell and replant ASAP.
So keep all this mind when you are buying seeds for your farm and you will definitely see your bank account increase greatly over time.
Best Farmville GuideBook
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